
  • Hankyu Railway train status information is provided if there is any delay of 20 minutes or longer or a delay is expected between 4:30 and 25:00 (1 a.m.).
  • This website displays only information related to Hankyu Railway lines.
    However, information related to mutual operations on Nose Electric Railway (between Kawanishi-noseguchi and Myokenguchi/Nissei-chuo), Osaka Metro (between Tenjinbashisuji-rokuchome and Tengachaya), and the Kobe Kosoku Line (between Kobe-sannomiya and Shinkaichi) will be displayed only if services on Hankyu Railway lines are affected.
  • Currently displayed information will not be automatically updated. Please refresh your browser by clicking the Refresh button or other means.
  • We try to provide the most up-to-date information quickly; however, the actual train status may differ from the information displayed on this page. Please use this information only as a reference. Please note that we will take no responsibility for any damages that may result from your using the information on this page at your discretion.