Privacy Policy
本隐私政策适用于本公司处理的所有个人信息。 -
我们将遵守与个人信息处理相关的法律、条例、准则等。 -
除了设立促进个人信息保护活动的部门外,我们还在每个部门任命了一名经理来维护内部个人信息管理系统。 -
使用个人信息时,我们将明确使用目的,并在实现该目的所需的范围内进行处理。 -
个人信息将以合法且适当的方式获取。 -
我们将采取适当措施保持个人信息的准确性和最新性,并尽力删除或丢弃不再需要的个人信息。 -
我们将采取必要且适当的安全管理措施,防止未经授权的个人信息访问以及个人信息的丢失、毁坏、篡改、泄露等。 -
当外包个人信息处理时,我们将提供必要且适当的监督,以确保外包公司安全地管理个人信息。 -
我们将根据有关个人信息的既定程序对个人信息的询问和更正做出适当的回应。 -
有关个人信息的咨询将由负责处理该个人信息的窗口受理。 -
本公司网站 (hankyu.co.jp) 使用 Cookie *1和网络信标*2来获取您对站台页面的使用情况信息(包括对本公司网站和与集团公司相关的网站的访问信息)。 通过这些技术获得的所有信息都是识别客户终端(通常是 Web 浏览器)的信息,而不是识别特定个人客户的信息。
一些 cookie 对于网站的运行是必不可少的,例如建立会话。 另一方面,Cookie 也可用于以下目的。
您可以从公司网站上显示的 cookie 设置中选择允许或拒绝公司网站或第三方(例如公司的分析合作伙伴、广告分销商和社交媒体)对公司网站运营所必需的 cookie 以外的 cookie。
*1 Cookie 是一个小文本文件,出于记录目的而发送到用户的设备。
*2 网络信标是一种技术,当与cookie结合使用时,我们可以收集客户浏览器的访问信息,并了解我们的网站是否被访问、访问次数、浏览历史记录等。
- 1.统计分析访问信息并利用它来提高网站的便利性和内容。
- 2. 确定 Web 服务器上发生的问题或故障的原因。
- 3.针对客户优化和显示我们网站上的菜单、功能和内容。
- 4.客户在使用本公司网站时,在下次使用网站时显示浏览器和服务器之间发送和接收的使用历史记录和输入内容。
- 5.结合公司网站的访问信息和其他公司拥有的访问信息,利用人口统计属性进行市场分析,其形式不是个人身份,以及基于此的促销活动。
- 6. 在投放广告时*根据我们网站上的访问信息,针对客户的兴趣进行优化。
- *公司可能会向承包商提供广告发布业务的访问信息,但该信息可能包括识别特定个人的地址、姓名、出生日期和电话号码。但不包括该信息。
* 如需停止显示广告(选择退出),请访问各广告发布企业网站上设置的选择退出页面,并停止该广告发布企业在广告发布中使用 Cookie 信息等。
电话号码 : 06-6373-5165
接待时间 : 9:00~17:50
Hankyu Railway (“the Group”) believes that companies have an important obligation to appropriately manage and protect personal information that can be used to identify a customer, such as the customer’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address (hereafter, “personal information”). Accordingly, the Group has set forth Privacy Policy Guidelines (“Policy Guidelines”) as follows.
1. Scope
These Policy Guidelines shall apply to all personal information handled by the Group. -
2. Legal compliance
The Group shall comply with laws, governmental ordinances, national guidelines and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information, provided that those regulations are established in Japan. -
3. Internal structures
The Group has put in place internal structures to facilitate the management of personal information, including by forming a department to oversee the protection of personal information and by assigning supervisors responsible for managing personal information in each of its departments. -
4. Use of personal information
Whenever using personal information, the Group shall define the purpose of use of personal information and restrict the use of information to the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. -
5. Acquisition of personal information
The Group shall acquire personal information using lawful and appropriate means. -
6. Accuracy
The Group shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the personal information in its possession is accurate and up-to-date. -
7. Security
The Group shall take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the integrity of the personal information in its possession so as to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, improper disclosure, or other misuse. -
8. Supervision of subcontractors
When outsourcing the handling of personal information, the Group shall implement the necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure contractors manage personal information safely. -
9. Disclosure and modification of personal information
The Group shall accommodate requests by individuals to access or modify their personal information in an appropriate manner and in accordance with predetermined procedures. -
10. Cookies
A cookie is a small text file that the website sends to your device for the purpose of keeping records. It identifies your device, typically your web browser, but it cannot directly identify you.
Some cookies are necessary to operate its website (e.g. for establishing and keeping sessions), while other cookies may be used for the following purposes:
-Improving website functionality;
-Collecting analytical data to improve website performance;
-Delivering advertisements that may be of interest to you from us or our advertising partners based on information collected by tracking users across the internet;
Where the Group is required by applicable privacy/data protection laws, you can choose whether to allow us or third-parties (e.g. its analytics, advertising and social media partners) to set cookies which are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the website via the cookie banner and settings interface provided on the website. -
11. Inquiries concerning personal information
Inquiries concerning personal information shall be accepted and processed by the following contact point.
<Contact(EEA and UK residents)>
As the Group is based outside of the EU/UK, Article 27 GDPR/UK GDPR required that the Group appoints an EU representative/UK representative to handle certain data subject requests and queries. In compliance with this, the Group has appointed DataRep to act as its representative. Any queries requiring the input of its representative, should please be directed to them as follows: contacting us on its online webform at https://www.datarep.com/data-request, or mailing your inquiry to this address: DataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland DataRep, 107-111 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom PLEASE NOTE: when mailing inquiries, it is ESSENTIAL that you mark your letters for ′DataRep′ and not ′Hankyu Railway′, or your inquiry may not reach us. Please refer clearly to Hankyu Railway in your correspondence.
<Contact Point(Non EEA and UK residents)>
Group Planning Division, Public Relations Dept. Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc. -
12. Ongoing improvements
The Group shall conduct periodic audits and review and improve its internal guidelines and structures on an ongoing basis to ensure that personal information is appropriately protected.