Train type

Trains stop at different stations depending on train type, except on some routes. Please check the train type indication on the platform or on the train before getting on.

How to check the train type before getting on

Check the guiding sign on the platform

Check the train type and destination indicated on the train

Train announcements also alert stations where the train is stopping.

Passengers are requested to observe the following rules:

We sincerely ask for your understanding and cooperation for safe and secure train operation.

On the platform


Take care not to drop your suitcase or other baggage from the stairs or escalator.


Do not operate smartphones while walking because it is extremely dangerous.

Even in a rush

Do not run on the platform.

Do not run onto a train because it is dangerous.

While waiting for a train

Please cooperate in lining up for the train.


Taking photos

When you take photos, take care not to carelessly point your camera at other people.


No smoking in trains or station. Please smoke in the designated smoking areas.

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