Sakurai Station Minoh Line Minoh direction (Saturdays and holidays) timetable
Station timetables do not reflect special schedules such as those in effect during tourist season or the New Year's holidays.
When special schedules are in effect, please refer to the specific timetables that will be announced on that occasion.
Clicking on the departure time will display the arrival and departure times at each station for that train.。
Rapid Service→Rapid Service
Commuter Express→CommuterExp
Semi-Limited Express→Semi-Ltd Exp
Commuter Limited Express→Commuter Ltd Exp
Limited Express→Ltd Exp
Rapid Limited Express Kyo-Train Garaku→Kyo-Train Garaku
Rapid Service→Rapid Service
Commuter Express→CommuterExp
Semi-Limited Express→Semi-Ltd Exp
Commuter Limited Express→Commuter Ltd Exp
Limited Express→Ltd Exp
Rapid Limited Express Kyo-Train Garaku→Kyo-Train Garaku
About the timetable
This timetable is based on data from our company and affiliated companies with which we share connecting routes, and is provided in accordance with the user agreement between our company and Ekitan & Co., Ltd. Therefore, regardless of whether the data is used for a fee or free of charge, or in any other form, it is not permitted to process, reuse, redistribute, or sell the data without the permission of our company or of Ekitan & Co., Ltd.